solar panel is a collection of solar cells that converts
photo-electric energy into electrical energy. These photovoltaic
cells are generally arranged in grid-like structure so that it can
absorb photons in a large amount and generate more electricity. Solar Panel construct these by utilizing semi-conductor
materials -
silicon and gallium arsenide because of their appreciable optical
properties. Actually, the usage of material while constructing solar
panel depends on the type of application area - residential or
industrial and the amount of output power required. For installing
Solar Panel at residential places or commercial places, roof is the
best location. Apart from roof, there are various other mounting
options also available such as trackers, standard ground mount, shade
awnings and so forth.
Solar panel works only when exposed to sunlight where photons
strike the surface and get converted into electrical energy;
basically in this process, structure of photons breaks down and free
electrons flow after coming in contact with metal and produce
current. In order to generate high electric output, solar panel must
be highly efficient and its efficiency depends on following three
factors :
a) number of solar cells fixed on the surface of panel
b) amount of solar radiation it receives
c) place where it is installed
What are the different types of Solar Panels?
There are numerous kinds of solar panel, from an ever increasing
range of manufacturers. Some solar panel types are discussed below:
Mono-Crystalline Panels
These panels are
constructed by using silicon material only, which is further known
for its efficiency and better performance. During installation, the
entire cell is aligned in single direction so that it works
efficiently when exposed to sun, especially when sun shines brightly.
This Mono-crystalline solar panel is generally used for industrial
applications, where higher power is needed.
Polycrystalline Panels
Unlike mono-crystalline where silicon slices are used,
polycrystalline panels are constructed from silicon offcuts which are
further molded to form rectangular blocks. This kind of panel can
work better in low light too but as it contains less amount of
silicon, a slight difference is there in the efficiency as compared
to mono-crystalline panel.
Hybrid Panels
This panel uses
amorphous silicon technology in which a thin layer of amorphous solar
film is formed behind the monocrystalline cells. This layer collects
more energy from the available sun rays, especially in dim light
conditions. Hybrid panels work efficiently in small roof space by
delivering large amount of electric power. This panel has easy
installation and can be utilized for residential purposes.
Black Framed Panels
“Black Framed
Panels” or “All Black Panels” are used to produce large amount
of electric power by absorbing large quantity of sun light. In this
type of panel, all photovoltaic cells are placed onto a black panel
surface and most commonly fixed on household slate roofs.
What are the Various Advantages of using Solar
People can have numerous benefits by installing required solar
panel. Some are discussed below:
Maintains Clean Environment – Solar energy is clean and
renewable therefore, it does not causes any adverse effect on
environment unlike fossil fuels and nuclear power.
Saves Electricity Bills – Once solar panel is installed,
people can have free electricity and they would not have to pay heavy
electricity bills.
Saves Natural Resources – Solar Panel works on renewable
source of energy i.e solar energy, which is present in abundance.
Therefore, this can save fossil fuels such as coal, petrol and
natural gas.
Requires Less Maintenance – Solar Panel can deliver its
performance for almost 20 years consecutively with negligible
Best for Remote Locations – Solar panel can be installed
in those places where electricity supply is not possible.