AAC Blocks – A Way To Green, Fire Resistant Homes

Harry Seo
AAC Blocks
AAC blocks are known as “autoclaved aerated concrete blocks” and are used for construction purposes. The CLC “Cellular light weight concrete” and AAC blocks are the 2 most common and accepted concrete blocks utilized for commercial, industrial and residential buildings.

Production of AAC Blocks

AAC block manufacturers generally have a significant amount of space for the production as it requires the use of heavy and big AAC block making machinery. To put it to usage, the steam is cured inside the autoclave post that it is all set to be used. Extra space is not needed for storing the end products; as a result the finished goods can be piled on top of each another without the fright of any damage to the goods.

Extra molds and additional autoclaves are added to amplify the production of AAC blocks. Thus the production competence can be maximized with minimal investment. This makes these blocks the most sought after choices for majority of AAC block manufacturers & suppliers.

The Excellence of AAC Blocks

The AAC blocks are at excellence for the reason that these blocks restrain almost 80% of air. Thus these pioneering concrete blocks are named as autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. In contrast with the conventional blocks; these blocks are light in weight and are a good source of thermal insulator and are fire resistant. They are very valuable and environment friendly. They provide protection against fire, heat, pests and even natural calamities like earthquakes. AAC block manufacturers produce these blocks to ensure its good efficiency in restricting energy wastage, carbon emission and logistics bills. They can be easily cut with common cutting tools like drills and saws. The AAC block suppliers are well equipped to deliver the products anywhere in the domestic markets.

AAC blocks are the most environmentally friendly constructional materials that are used in diverse ways. The elasticity helps make airtight homes which stay cooler in summers and warmer in winters. It also blocks or control humidity inside a house which means there is scarce chance of fungus growth within the house and also eliminates musty smell.

All these facts makes AAC an effective component used for layered or sandwich construction. It is also ideal for residential and commercial construction as they are fire resistant and environment friendly. Moreover the light weight feature helps reduce the deadweight of the building.

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