Rechargeable Batteries – Changing Lives

Harry Seo
According to the materials and technology used to fabricate batteries, there are lead acid batteries, nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydride batteries and lithium and lithium-ion batteries. Lead acid batteries are really useful as they are used to power cars, computer stations, forklifts and other products which requires elevated power output. Most batteries have been given title to distinguish them as per their use and power like “A”, double “A” or triple “A” batteries.

We have been extensively using Batteries in all spheres of our lives. To name a few - calculators, walkmans, radios, torches, toys, model airplanes, wireless-phones, power tools, cordless power tools, notebooks, cell-phones and even for camera flashes. Every gadget we use in our life is dependent on some form of battery. With such an extensive use and increasing demand of batteries; need for rechargeable battery has significantly increased over the course of last few years.

A bundle of 2 or more secondary cells which can be restored to full charge post application of electrical energy is called a rechargeable battery. These kinds of batteries are really cost effective compared to normal disposable batteries as they don’t need to be replaced once their charge is over. They can be easily recharged and used again, hence making them a cheaper option available.

With the wide spread use of the latest technology, the rate of rechargeable batteries has increased significantly over the years. There were times when it used to take roughly 12-14 hours for recharging a battery which nowadays can be achieved within an hour of recharge. Rechargeable Batteries Manufacturers are also working on developing new methods of production which will enable them to increase the life span of such batteries. Currently, the life span depends upon multiple factors like total usage, the chemical make up, temperature & humidity and other environmental factors. There are other critical factors which enhance their lifespan is how they are maintained and the no of life-cycle/discharge. The life of each battery differs depending on their type; like nikel batteries have small storage capacity compared to alkaline batteries. Overcharging also affects the life by overheating which causes leakage or overflow of charge.

Rechargeable batteries are environment friendly and economical. They are available in different shapes and sizes like disposable ones and also use a specific charger to recharge. The time needed to recharge these batteries depends on its charging power and technology used to make the battery.

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