Harry Seo
Wooden Carvings
Know The Carvings

A number of material such as stone, metal, glass, pottery and wood are used to do the carvings in different shapes. The far-reaching material is stone, which gives out the most alive carvings among others. All of these material can be used in artistic ways or for a normal use. If you are a lover of sculptures, you must have noticed that these are inspired by so many subjects, such as human life, love, or can also be found in abstract forms as well.

Wooden Carvings vs. Stone Carvings

Wood has been used in most of the cultures for carving the artistic pieces. It has got all the qualities for producing the best of art-work within a short period of time, as the tools used in cutting the wood are very minimal. The wood can be given figures of different things from a wooden door to the shape of a bird. Finishing which is given to a wooden piece can be done by polishing it with temporary or permanent polishing.

Carving stone into sculptures is a process even older than the civilization, which makes it the most traditional form to create art. Stone carving is known to be the most ancient and famous form to give shapes to random stones in their natural habitat. Stone carving is a term which is mainly used by an artist, while creating the sculptures. These stones are given specific shapes according to the artists' preference or the demand in a marketplace. A controlled removal of stones from a natural stone is the way how the masterpieces are crafted by the artists.


Although, making sculptures with wood is widely practiced, this survives much less than the other material-made carvings. It can be the result of it being vulnerable to decay, insect damage and fire.
  • For a new learner of the art, the initial investment is very minimal with only a few tools to give the desired shape.
  • Wooden carvings can also be used for furniture, picture frame, and at several other places.
  • Wood carvings have the demerit to get damaged by decay, worm damage and fire and may not last long. The durability is thus not very long as compared to the stone made artworks.


The permanence of stone has made it survive among other artworks made by different materials. The traditional art of stone remains highest in regard with the creativity produced by the sculptors. The impact which is left on the audience by the stone art-pieces is irresistible as compared to all other kinds of artistic figures. Most notable creations in stone are in human, animal, or abstract forms.

Stone carving is the oldest form practiced all over the world. Stone also has its sub-types, like Portland Stone, Bath Stone, Portuguese Limestone, Cotswold Stone, York Stone, Italian Black Slate, Welsh Grey Slate and many others, which are used by artists for making sculptures. All of these stones are needed in different carvings.

Stone carvings is the traditional way to give shapes to make sculptures, which is followed by the artists at large.

Stones in their natural form demand a lot of labor with machines to be molded in a new shape, and thus require more effort than the wood carvings.

The sculptures made by stone are everlasting as stone doesn't have a decaying process.

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