Healthy Food Guide

Harry Seo
Health Food
It has seen that most of the people are Foodie”; Obviously, they have lot of reasons to celebrate in their life, though they are choosy in everything still they give preference to Junk Food. Nowadays, people are not at all health conscious and due to that they are suffering form many diseases like cholesterol, sugar, fat, stomach infection, etc; which may cause problem in their heart, liver, other parts of body which helps in digestive system. Hygienic food keeps us well, but everything is not all hygienic.

What We Require To Be Healthy?

In our busy routine, we must take out time for our health. If we are not taking roadside food and prefer to go at quality restaurants than it is not important that it would not affect on our health; Health Food not only means that-”Having The Best Quality Food”. It actual means keeping your “Fitness” in mind. Our body needs 2 Litre of water in a day. Make it necessary to work out daily, do exercises; take proper sleep of minimum 6 hours, be emotionally strong, somewhere it is related to social, mental and physical development. There is a long list of eatable items which are healthy for human body. For example; green vegetables, fruits, dry-fruits, etc. and the most important is that all the things must be fresh and clean and our weight should be appropriate according to our height and age.

Are The Food Only To Fill Empty Stomach?

Food is important for our body as it provides us energy. Whenever we feel low or our energy is being consumed than we require something to eat to re-gain the strength. It is necessary that the food we eat must contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates. It may not be possible that all the eatable things may have all the specialties of being healthy diet. whenever we are badly hungry, we go for any kind of meal but we must take care of diet that whatever we eat is really good for our body or not. Food plays very important role in our nourishment, so make sure you must eat healthy food, rather than be on diet. Body must contain all the nutrients in appropriate manner.

Most of the people have extra fatty acids in their body, because today's generation is lazy as compare to the old generation. In this modern world, nothing is pure in foodstuffs as compare to the purity which our forefathers used to ate. Make a note of it too that Over-eating is also bad for our health so try to avoid it.

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